
Larsen Calls For Job-Creating Investments for Northwest Washington

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today called for investments in initiatives that support long-term economic growth and opportunity in testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Budget. Larsen highlighted the importance of transportation investments, helping businesses export their products overseas, and education in Northwest Washington. The full text of Larsen’s…

NW Washington Delegation Announces Grant for Darrington Schools to Help with Mudslide Costs

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Tags: Education

Today, the federal delegation representing Snohomish County announced that the Darrington School District has received $10,341 through a federal Project SERV grant to help offset costs the district incurred after the State Route 530 mudslide in March. The Project SERV grant will help reimburse the school district for transportation expenditures, as extra funds were needed to ensure…

Larsen: Washington D.C. Education Standards Are Out of Touch with Washington State Schools

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Tags: Education

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today called on Congress to reauthorize and update the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as nearly all Washington state schools send letters to parents required by the law indicating that the schools are failing. The U.S. Department of Education revoked Washington state’s waiver from the law, also known as No Child Left Behind (NCLB), meaning schools…

Larsen and Young: Kids Deserve Healthy Meals All Year

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Today Representatives Rick Larsen, WA-02, and Don Young, AK, announced they will introduce bipartisan legislation to fight child hunger by expanding access to summer meal programs for kids. The Summer Meals Act of 2014 works to improve communities’ ability to serve nutritious meals to kids in need by expanding eligibility requirements for federal summer meal programs, cutting down…

Larsen Sponsors Bill to Make College More Affordable

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Tags: Education

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, pushed today to make college more affordable for students in Northwest Washington and across the country. Larsen is an original cosponsor of the Middle Class CHANCE Act, a bill introduced today that strengthens the Pell Grant program, which provides tuition assistance to students based on need. The Act increases the maximum Pell Grant award, restores year-round…

NW Washington Delegation Announces Grant for Arlington Schools to Help with Mudslide Costs

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Today, the federal delegation representing Snohomish County announced that the Arlington School District has received $9,090 through a federal Project SERV grant to help offset costs the district incurred after the State Route 530 mudslide in March. The Project SERV grant will help the school district cover the costs of substitute teachers who stood in for classroom staff while they…

Larsen Calls for Hearing on Bereaved Borrowers Bill of Rights

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Tags: Education

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today sent a letter to the chairman and ranking member of the House Committee on Financial Services requesting a hearing on the Bereaved Borrowers’ Bill of Rights, a bill Larsen introduced earlier this month. The bill is designed to protect private student loan borrowers from “auto-defaults” when a loan cosigner, often a parent or grandparent,…

Washington Post: House Democrats introduce bill to end automatic default rules on student loans

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Tags: Education

By Danielle Douglas House Demoorats introduced legislation Friday to protect borrowers who pay their student loans on time from being placed in default when the co-signer dies or declares bankruptcy. These “auto defaults” force borrowers to either immediately repay the loan balance or ruin their credit, endangering their chances of getting a job, renting an apartment or…

Larsen Introduces Bill to Protect Bereaved Student Borrowers

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Tags: Education

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today introduced a bill to protect private student loan borrowers from “auto-defaults” when a loan cosigner, often a parent or grandparent, dies or files for bankruptcy. In its April 2014 “mid-year update on student loan complaints,” the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau identified significant issues facing private student loan…

Larsen: Budget Should Reflect Shared Value of Opportunity for All

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, released the following statement today after voting against the Republican budget. “Our country’s budget should reflect our shared value of opportunity for all. This value is nowhere to be found in the Republican spending plan. Rather than a blueprint for economic growth, the Republican budget would jeopardize health care for seniors, bankrupt…