
Larsen Statement on Sequester-Related Flight Delays

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, ranking member of the House Aviation Subcommittee, issued the following statement today regarding flight delays due to the sequester-caused furloughs of air traffic controllers across the nation: “Air passengers across the country are today joining kids who are being turned away from Head Start and seniors being waitlisted for Meals on Wheels as the latest…

Larsen Votes Against Bill that Continues Irresponsible Sequester Cuts

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today voted against the continuing resolution that will keep in place the damaging automatic spending cuts known as sequestration. “Congress had an opportunity to restore sanity to the federal budget. We failed. The sequester’s automatic and untargeted spending cuts are already impacting families in Northwest Washington,” Larsen said. “At…

Larsen Report Shows Deep Impact of Scheduled Automatic Spending Cuts in Northwest Washington

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A staff report from the office of Rep. Rick Larsen released today details the severe consequences in Northwest Washington if automatic federal spending kick in on March 1. Larsen directed his staff to compile the report to illustrate the direct consequences of automatic spending cuts, known as sequestration, on local communities. The report is available here. “These automatic…

Larsen: Congress Must Answer President Obamas Call for Action on Jobs Immediately

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, tonight commended President Obama’s focus on jobs and economic growth in his State of the Union Address and called for Congress to turn immediately to a jobs agenda. “My top priority is to invest in the foundation of long-term economic growth that creates jobs and opportunity in the Pacific Northwest,” Larsen said. “Tonight the President…

Larsen Hails WWU as Top Peace Corps Source in 2013

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Tags: Education

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today hailed the news that more alumni from Western Washington University currently serving as Peace Corps volunteers than from any other medium-sized college in the nation. Western Washington University is one of three Washington state schools to hold the top ranking in their respective categories, the Peace Corps announced today. “Western students have…

Larsen, Hastings Win Bipartisan Victory for Washington Schools in Defense Bill

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Tags: Education

School districts that are impacted by federal land ownership and serving federally impacted students, including military and tribal families, will receive faster payment of federal dollars thanks to legislation authored by Reps. Rick Larsen (D-WA), and Doc Hastings (R-WA). Their Impact Aid Timely Repayment Act was included in the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013 which the House…

Larsen Announces Speedier Payout of Impact Aid Funds for Federally-Impacted School Districts in Northwest Washington

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Tags: Education

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today announced that federally-impacted schools in Northwest Washington will receive more of their federal Impact Aid funding immediately. Six local school districts that serve military communities and Indian tribes rely on Impact Aid funding to make up for lost property tax revenue. The U.S. Department of Education will now provide immediate payment of 70 percent…