Jobs & the Economy

Larsen: $10 Million Federal Grant On Its Way To Mukilteo Ferry Terminal

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The Mukilteo Multimodal Ferry Terminal project will receive $10 million through the federal TIGER program, Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, announced today. Larsen wrote a letter of support for Washington state’s application for these funds and has previously talked with the U.S. Department of Transportation secretary about the importance of the project. The Mukilteo Multimodal Ferry…

Larsen Fights For PNW Priorities In Transportation Bill

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today joined with his colleagues on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to advance a long-term transportation bill to the full House for consideration. Larsen issued the following statement about his support for the Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2015 (H.R. 3763), a bill that included his language to improve financial…

Larsen, Bipartisan House Majority Push To Renew Export-Import Bank

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today joined with a majority of members of the U.S. House of Representatives to press for a vote on a bill to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank. Larsen and a majority of his colleagues signed a petition to bring up for a vote a bill to renew the Bank. The Bank expired on June 30, halting all new export financing for U.S. businesses of all sizes. Larsen helped…

Larsen Announces SBA Grant To Help Disadvantaged Entrepreneurs

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EVERETT—Low-income entrepreneurs will have more access to training and capital to establish and expand their businesses as a result of a federal grant to Washington Ventures, Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, announced today. Washington Ventures, a Seattle-based nonprofit that assists entrepreneurs who have limited resources, is receiving $123,000 through the Small Business…

Larsen Calls on Senate To Pass Highway Trust Fund Extension With Ex-Im, Work With House on Long-Term Transportation Bill

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, a senior member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, today called on the U.S. Senate to keep federal transportation dollars flowing to states and local communities by quickly passing a short-term extension of the Highway Trust Fund (HTF). The HTF is set to expire on July 31. It is the primary source of federal investments in roads, bridges,…

Larsen Calls For Long-Term Transportation Solution

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, voted today to ensure job-creating transportation projects continue to receive funding through the summer construction season, while again calling on Congress to take up a long-term surface transportation bill that would invest in repairs and upgrades to roads, bridges, highways and transit systems. Larsen voted for and the U.S. House of Representatives passed a…

Larsen: Its Time To Fuel Up Economy With Sustainable Infrastructure Investments

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Roads, bridges, highways and transit systems would receive more reliable funding that would help keep local economies strong if Congress passes a bill to raise the federal gas tax that Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, cosponsored today. H.R. 680, the UPDATE Act, would raise the gas tax by 15 cents per gallon over three years to pay for needed investments in the country’s aging…

Transportation Means Jobs: Larsen Talks With PNW Transportation Stakeholders

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Last week, Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, talked with local officials and transportation stakeholders through Northwest Washington to learn more about the role federal funding plays in supporting strong infrastructure. He also toured local transportation projects that depend on federal funding. The Highway Trust Fund is the biggest source of federal funding for roads, bridges, highways and…

Larsen: Letting Ex-Im Expire Puts Jobs At Risk

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today slammed House Republicans for their inaction on the Export-Import Bank, putting thousands of jobs at risk. The Bank’s charter expires today. The Export-Import Bank gives Pacific Northwest businesses of all sizes access to critical financing to sell their goods overseas, and it has supported more than $71 billion in exports from the Second Congressional…

Larsen: Raising Overtime Pay Will Help Economy Work Better For All

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today applauded President Obama’s action to raise overtime pay for millions of workers. The President’s proposed rule would raise the cap on overtime pay salary eligibility from $23,660 to $50,440, affecting nearly 5 million salaried workers. “Even as our economy is growing and creating jobs, not everyone is sharing in the benefits. The vast…