Jobs & the Economy

Larsen Puts Forward Bill to Boost Growing Craft Distilleries Industry, Create Jobs

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Larsen, DelBene Unveil the Bill to Cut Taxes on Craft Distilleries in Everett EVERETT, Wash.—Craft distilleries will be able to grow and create new jobs if Congress passes a new bill authored by Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02. Larsen is joining Rep. Suzan DelBene, WA-01, a cosponsor of the bill, and Northwest Washington craft distillers to announce the Small Distilleries Fairness Act today…

Larsen Statement on Sequester-Related Flight Delays

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, ranking member of the House Aviation Subcommittee, issued the following statement today regarding flight delays due to the sequester-caused furloughs of air traffic controllers across the nation: “Air passengers across the country are today joining kids who are being turned away from Head Start and seniors being waitlisted for Meals on Wheels as the latest…

Larsen Hails Return-to-Flight Certification of 787

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, the ranking Democrat on the House Aviation Subcommittee, today hailed the Federal Aviation Administration’s safety certification of the Boeing 787 which will allow the plane to return to commercial service. Larsen issued the following statement: “Now boarding: the Dreamliner’s return to flight. “I applaud the work that Boeing engineers and…

Larsen Leads Effort to Secure Funds for Pacific Salmon Recovery

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, led an effort this week to request $65 million for the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund which is vital to supporting salmon recovery in the Pacific Northwest. In a letter to House appropriators, Larsen and nine other members of the Pacific Northwest delegation made the request to continue supporting the recovery of Pacific salmon which are vital to the…

Larsen: Air Force Upholding Full Commitment on Everett-Built KC-46A Tanker

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The U.S. Air Force is upholding its full commitment to the KC-46A refueling tanker being built at Boeing’s Everett facility, Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, said today. Larsen is a member of the House Armed Services Committee which oversees the Defense Department acquisition programs. The Committee heard testimony today from top Air Force officials who said the tanker program is…

Larsen: Time for Congress to Take Comprehensive Immigration Reform over the Finish Line

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today spoke out in support of the New Democrat Coalition’s principles for comprehensive immigration reform. Larsen is a Vice-Chair of the Coalition which represents the largest group of moderates in the House of Representatives. “One of my top priorities in Congress is to break down the barriers for all people to fully participate in the economy and…

Larsen: Navy Intends to Make $127 Million Job-Creating Investment at NAS Whidbey Island

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The Navy plans to spend more than $127 million on construction projects at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, including $85 million for a hangar and training facilities for the P-8A Poseidon aircraft, Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, announced today. “My top priority is to invest in the foundation of long-term economic growth that creates jobs and opportunity in the Pacific Northwest,”…

Larsen to Highlight Northwest Strength in Aviation in Tour of Airports and Manufacturers

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, the top-ranking Democrat on the House Aviation Subcommittee, will tour key aviation resources throughout Northwest Washington this week. Larsen, who was tapped to serve as the top House Democrat on aviation issues in January, will use the tour to learn about aviation needs in Northwest Washington and highlight the importance of the industry to the region’s…

Testimony Before the House Appropriations Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice and Science

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Mr. Chairman and Ranking Member, thank you for the opportunity to testify today. At the beginning of each Congress I write a set of goals to guide my and my office’s actions. These goals create a focal point for my office and are a daily reminder of what is important for my District. My number one goal is to invest in the foundation of long-term economic growth that creates jobs and…

Larsen: Budget Must Create Jobs, Control Deficit and End Sequester

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today voted for the Democratic budget proposal and announced his intention to vote no on the Republican budget proposal tomorrow. “My top priority in Congress is to invest in the foundation of long-term economic growth that creates jobs and opportunity in the Pacific Northwest. We need to start with a budget that makes investments in transportation,…