Press Releases

Larsen Applauds Puget Sound Region’s Designation to New Commerce Department Initiative

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, applauded the U.S. Commerce Department’s announcement today naming the Puget Sound’s aerospace industry as an Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership designee.
The Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) led the region’s application, which was one of 12 selected nationwide.
The Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership initiative is designed to help communities carry out comprehensive, long-term economic development strategies to attract and expand manufacturing investment.
“This designation is great news for Washington state’s economy and aerospace industry, the largest and most robust aerospace cluster in the world. PSRC’s leadership and the many business, labor and government organizations that worked together to achieve this success are a testament to strong coordination and partnerships.
“Our aerospace firms support more than 132,000 jobs and are a critical economic driver for the region. These firms compete globally and are well-positioned to use this opportunity to spur more job growth and economic activity.
“The resources available through this designation will help strengthen the Pacific Northwest’s aerospace manufacturing sector through workforce training, improved supply chains, participation in the U.S. Small Business Administration’s State Trade & Export Promotion program and other strategies,” Larsen said.
Larsen wrote a letter in support of PSRC’s application.
More information about the Puget Sound region’s successful application is available here. More information about the Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership initiative is available here.