Press Releases

Larsen: Congress Must Prioritize Jobs, Economy by Finding Long-Term Solution to Highway Trust Fund Shortfall

House and Senate efforts to find a short-term fix to the Highway Trust Fund shortfall must lead to a long-term solution, Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, said today. The fund is the primary source of federal funding for roads, bridges, highways and transit. The U.S. Department of Transportation recently announced it will begin slowing payments from the fund to states as of August 1 if Congress does not act.

The Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee have each agreed on short-term proposals this week. The House is expected to vote on its measure next week.

“Piecing together short-term funding for our roads, bridges, highways and transit is no way to sustain the number one job-creating industry in our country. While I support House and Senate efforts to find a short-term solution, this patchwork approach must lead to a long-term, sustainable solution for the Highway Trust Fund. Businesses need to be able to trust in reliable access to markets and citizens need to be assured of their safety during daily travel.

“As a senior member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, I am committed to working with my colleagues to find a way to put the fund on sustainable footing. I have pushed hard for roads, bridges, highways and transit investments that keep Northwest Washington moving, such as my bill to invest in transportation projects in small- and mid-sized cities and my support for better funding for safer bridges. I will continue to work on transportation solutions that put people back to work and help our region thrive,” Larsen said.
