Press Releases

Larsen Supports Constitutional Amendment to Overturn Citizens United

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today supported a Constitutional Amendment that would overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United and McCutcheon campaign finance decisions. Larsen is an original cosponsor of H.J.Res 119. Larsen has long advocated for limiting money in politics and has spoken against the Supreme Court’s recent decisions that have granted too much ‘personhood’ to corporations.

“Elections should give power to the people not to money. The Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision opened the door to unforeseen levels of corporate campaign spending in the form of Super PACs. Never before have the wealthy had such an outsized influence on elections.

“This amendment gives Congress and states the power to determine reasonable limits on campaign spending, to distinguish between people and corporations, and it helps restore transparency to our elections. I look forward to a robust debate on this needed amendment to make sure elected officials represent people, not corporations,” Larsen said.

The amendment is identical to one introduced by New Mexico Senator Tom Udall and passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee earlier this year.
