Press Releases
Larsen Votes To Uphold Administration’s Climate Change Efforts
Washington, DC,
December 1, 2015
Energy & Environment
Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today slammed House Republicans for undermining U.S. efforts to fight climate change, particularly as leaders from around the world gather in Paris to work toward a climate change agreement. Larsen voted against two resolutions that would put a stop to the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan, which Larsen supports and is a centerpiece of the President’s efforts to curb U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. “Forging a worldwide agreement to slow the effects of climate change is hard enough without House Republicans actively working against these critical, global efforts. The resolutions I voted against today would slam the brakes on the administration’s Clean Power Plan, while handcuffing the EPA’s ability to do its job under the Clean Air Act. “If we are going to tackle our country’s greenhouse gas emissions, we have to increase renewable energy sources, improve energy efficiency and invest in lower-emission fuels. That is why I support President Obama’s commitment to reducing U.S. carbon emissions and his Clean Power Plan. I was pleased the President announced this plan jointly with Chinese President Xi Jinping, who also has committed to slowing his country’s greenhouse gas emissions. Leadership by the world’s two largest emitters is vital if the world is going to bend the curve on damaging emissions,” Larsen said. ### |