Press Releases

Larsen Pushes To Bring More Women, Minorities Into STEM Fields

Many jobs in today’s globally competitive workforce require some level of STEM skills, which is why Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, announced his support today for a new bill that encourages more women and minorities to enter STEM fields.

Larsen is an original cosponsor of the Women and Minorities in STEM Booster Act, which sets up a competitive grant program for colleges, universities and nonprofit organizations to develop creative ways to recruit more women and minorities into science, technology, engineering and math.

“Our country has to make the most of workers’ STEM potential if we are going to compete in today’s global economy. Women and minorities are underrepresented in STEM fields, which often pay a higher than average wage. More innovative minds solving tomorrow’s problems is a win for our economy and a win for workers’ paychecks,” Larsen said.

Larsen also is leading a bill to develop partnerships between schools and apprenticeships in STEM fields to connect more students with good-paying jobs. The Youth Access to American Jobs Act creates a pathway for students from their junior year in high school through community college and into an apprenticeship, helping students gain skills directly related to workforce needs in their area.
