Press Releases

Larsen Applauds Successful Efforts To Level International Playing Field For U.S. Workers

Today, Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, applauded the administration’s announcement that it has reached a settlement with China to end an export subsidy program, which is prohibited under World Trade Organization (WTO) rules. The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) brought the dispute to the WTO, and China subsequently agreed to end its “Demonstration Bases-Common Services Platform” Program, which provides export subsidies across seven different sectors and puts U.S. workers at a disadvantage.

“Today’s announcement that China will end its unfair export subsidies program sends a strong and important message that the U.S. will hold our trading partners accountable and enforce the trade agreements we have in place. If other countries want to trade with us, they must play by the rules or face the consequences. 

“I am pleased USTR followed through on this case and is pushing to make sure our workers get a fair shot. Leveling the playing field is exactly why we have the WTO and rules of the road for international trade,” Larsen said.

More information about the case USTR is bringing is available here.

Since 2009, when President Obama took office, the U.S. has filed 20 enforcement complaints with the WTO, more complaints than any other WTO member.
