Press Releases

Larsen Statement on Hopes for State of the Union Address

Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) issued the following statement in advance of President Trump’s State of the Union address:

“I hope the president uses tonight’s State of the Union as an opportunity to focus on supporting and sustaining an agenda For the People.

“I hope the president talks about the need for increased infrastructure investments and advanced technology at ports of entry, new technology to detect unauthorized crossings and more immigration judges and customs personnel, not the need for a wall on the Southern border.

“I hope the president outlines a trade agenda that supports local jobs and the economic stability of the U.S. Unfortunately, this administration’s tariff policy threatens local jobs and the economic stability of Washington state, the most trade dependent state in the country. While I support the president’s position to update some trade agreements especially in the areas of digital trade, IP, and environmental and labor provisions, I do not agree with the president’s approach to apply tariffs indiscriminately. We have already seen the consequences of retaliation which threatens local jobs and the economic stability of businesses across the U.S.

“I hope the president outlines a well-thought out infrastructure plan, maintaining federal investment in infrastructure projects to sustain and build on the state’s economic growth and put more folks to work. The president’s reliance on private funding for infrastructure prioritizes investments that make the most money for the fewest people, instead of those that best serve the economy.

“I hope the president addresses the need to invest in the future generation of workers. U.S. students are no longer competing with their neighbors, but with students from around the world. Congress and the president must tell young people we will invest in them through more skills training, high-quality K-12 education, access to science, technology, engineering and mathematics education and affordable higher education.

“I hope the president addresses the national opioid crisis. About 600 people die each year in Washington state due to opioid overdose, and nearly 20 percent of all heroin-related deaths in Washington have occurred in Snohomish County. I hope the president outlines a plan to focus funding on behavioral health workforce training, prevention, treatment, surveillance, research and support for children and family programs.

“I hope the president focuses on restoring accountability in government. Democrats began the 116th Congress with the promise to clean up corruption and ensure public officials work for the people. H.R. 1, the For the People Act, outlines reforms to make voting easier, end dark money in campaigns and ensure integrity of public officials.

“I hope the president shows his support for these efforts for a more unified country,” said Larsen.
