Press Releases

House Aviation Subcommittee Chair Larsen to Attend International Paris Air Show

From June 16–18, Chair of the House Aviation Subcommittee Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) will travel to the International Paris Air Show, the world’s premiere aircraft exposition event.

As Chair of the Aviation Subcommittee, Larsen is focused on exploring an agenda that includes: ensuring aviation safety, fostering innovation in U.S. airspace, improving U.S. competitiveness in the global marketplace; and enhancing the air travel experience for passengers.

“I look forward to reporting back to other members of the Aviation Subcommittee who were not able to attend about changes and trends in global aviation and what we in the U.S. need to learn from these trends.”

The International Paris Air Show gives Washington aerospace companies the opportunity to showcase products and services to potential customers from around the globe.

“Aviation and aerospace are woven into the fabric of Washington state,” said Larsen. “I look forward to showcasing all that Washington has to offer to the global aerospace community and delivering the message that Washington state is the best place in the world to build the future of aviation.”

According to the Washington Department of Commerce, the state’s 136,100 highly-skilled workers produce 1,400 aircraft and unmanned aerial systems annually, manufacturing nearly 90 percent of all commercial aircraft in the United States.
