Press Releases

Larsen Delivers Opening Statement at 737 MAX Oversight Hearing with Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg

House Aviation Subcommittee Chair Rick Larsen (WA-02) delivered the below statement at the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee hearing entitled “The Boeing 737 MAX: Examining the Design, Development and Marketing of the Aircraft.” You can view Chair Larsen’s opening statement here.

Remarks as prepared for delivery

“Thank you, Chair DeFazio.

“I will be brief, because I want to get to the reason why we are all here: for questions to and clear, direct answers from Boeing.

“Yesterday, I released a video opening statement, where you can find my full comments.

“The 346 lives lost in the Lion Air 610 and Ethiopian Airlines 302 crashes are constant reminders of the importance of this Committee’s work and what is at stake if we do not address the systemic safety issues in U.S. aviation today.

“Some of the victims’ family members are with us today and others are watching the livestream. Your presence and tireless advocacy are essential to our process.

“You deserve answers and rightfully expect Congress to act.

“Following the recent release of recommendations from the JATR, NTSB, Indonesian authorities and Boeing itself, I see one undeniable conclusion: The process by which the Federal Aviation Administration evaluates and certifies aircraft is itself in need of repair.

“As the Committee’s investigation continues, we will maintain safety as our guiding principle and use all the tools at our disposal to ensure the safety of the traveling public.

“Thank you.”
