Press Releases

Larsen Votes to Hold President Accountable to the American People, Limit Use of Military Force Against Iran

Today, Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02), a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, voted in favor of a War Powers Resolution to limit the president’s use of military force against Iran.  

“Today, I voted to limit the use of military force against Iran,” said Larsen. “I have been very clear, regardless of which party is in the White House: citing years-old authorities is insufficient. The president must come to Congress to seek authorization to use military force.

“No one is mourning the loss of General Soleimani. However, the administration must consider how its actions will impact national security. I have questions and concerns about the administration’s rolling justifications for the killing and apparent lack of strategy in the region, starting with its violation of a successful nuclear agreement. I have heard from many constituents in the last couple of days who have expressed these same concerns.

“For all the President’s talk about getting out of the Middle East, his actions continue to foreshadow even more involvement in the region, including the recent airstrike and the deployment of 4,500 additional U.S. personnel. The U.S. must work with allies and partners to de-escalate tensions and focus on ensuring the lasting defeat of ISIS.”
