
Congressman Rick Larsen raises concerns about moves to "privatize" America's large, complex air traffic control system

Sky Valley Chronicle: Congressman Rick Larsen raises concerns about moves to "privatize" America's large, complex air traffic control system

Rep. Rick Larsen of Washington's 2nd congressional district and Ranking Member of the House Subcommittee on Aviation, and Rep. Peter DeFazio of Oregon, a Ranking Member of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, on Tuesday raised major concerns with the security, safety, and implementation issues facing a Republican proposal to privatize the nation’s air traffic control (ATC) system.

Larsen and DeFazio have led Democratic opposition to the plan to privatize the Federal ATC system, and Larsen has consistently raised concerns about the challenges and unanswered questions involved in proposed privatization plans.

Their comments follow a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report which found that aviation experts are "deeply divided and unable to answer serious questions about the impacts to national security and the financial stability of the ATC system if it were privatized," said a statement from Larsen's office.

The Government Accountability Office is the nation's top Congressional watchdog.

“Today, the non-partisan, independent Government Accountability Office issued a report which concluded that privatizing our nation’s air traffic controller system would be an arduous, expensive, and lengthy process to implement,” said Larsen. “The agency’s report underscores many obstacles to privatization – including the disruption of the Department of Defense’s role in securing our national airspace and the looming and unanswered question of user fees. The national airspace system is becoming more efficient thanks in large part to the progress being made on NextGen – progress that can and should continue without privatizing the world’s largest and most complex air traffic control system.”

Larsen added that the results of last week’s election may have given proponents of air traffic control (ATC) "privatization" hope that their proposal will have more success in the next Congress, but those same proponents, says Larsen, have failed to answer the many serious concerns regarding their plan.

"We held only one hearing on a plan to privatize the ATC system, and less than 24 hours later, the Committee marked up the plan and passed it over bipartisan opposition," said Larsen.

"Due to controversy surrounding the legislation and a lack of votes, the bill was never considered by the House of Representatives. If privatization proponents are serious about moving any ATC proposal forward in the new Congress, the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure needs to schedule hearings and hold in-depth discussions that address the major concerns raised by opponents, stakeholder groups, and the GAO. Today’s GAO report raises legitimate questions about whether the 2016 Republican proposal will guarantee safety, expedite new technology, and protect taxpayer dollars," added Larsen.

He says proponents of privatization need to answer these serious concerns:

Key findings of the report include that the GAO’s panel of aviation experts could not confirm that a private ATC system would be "capable of protecting national security and collaborating with the military to ensure the safety of our National Airspace System."

Nor could they guarantee that a private corporation would speed up technological advances and NextGen implementation. The experts also "confirmed" that a privatized air traffic control system would be heavily and negatively impacted by an economic downturn and a decrease in air travel.

A previous report from the GAO found that ATC privatization would negatively affect small and rural communities by jeopardizing their access to the aviation system and would also mean higher costs for passengers and other users of the system including general and business aviation.

A privatized ATC system would also be “too big to fail,” said Larsen's statement, meaning taxpayers might have to bail out the private corporation if it couldn’t pay the $10 billion-plus that it costs to operate a safe system.

And finally, privatization would jeopardize safety oversight by splitting the FAA in two and leaving safety programs vulnerable to sequestration and shutdowns. In March, the Congressional Budget Office determined that the Republican plan to privatize the United States ATC system would increase the deficit by nearly $20 billion over 10 years.

Larsen maintains that since introducing the controversial proposal last February, proponents of ATC privatization have also been unable to answer many key outstanding concerns including:

· Over the past 20 years, taxpayers have invested over $50 billion in more than 66,000 ATC assets. How will taxpayers be compensated for those assets when the proposal hands them over to a private ATC organization?

· How will a privatized ATC system preserve access by air to small and rural communities?

· How will ATC privatization expedite NextGen? Some experts interviewed by the GAO said restructuring would impede or have no effect on NextGen progress.

· Would a non-governmental organization charged with running the air traffic control system be capable of protecting national security and assuming established air defense procedures shared between the FAA and the military as executive branch divisions?

· How will a private air traffic control corporation set fair user fees to pay for the system, and how would the corporation guarantee that the money will be used to operate the system?

· Will taxpayers be liable to bail out the corporation if it can’t pay the $10-plus billion annual cost of running a safe and efficient ATC system?

· How will consumers not end up paying more for airline tickets when the corporation increases user fees for air traffic services?