
Statement from Rep. Larsen on Trumpcare

Statement from Rep. Larsen on Trumpcare

  • San Juan Islander
  • 3/24/2017
Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) released the following statement after Trumpcare, the GOP health care bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, failed to achieve enough support and was pulled from the floor.
“We are here today because of you: so many people called and wrote into my office, saying ‘vote no’ on Trumpcare,” said Larsen. “This is a great battle won, but the war is not over. Just like how Dracula always comes back, Trumpcare is not dead forever. President Trump and Congressional Republicans are going to continue to try and undermine your healthcare, and we need to continue to fight back. So let’s stay focused, let’s stay vigilant so that the Affordable Care Act continues to work.”
Last week, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released its much-anticipated score detailing projected impacts of Trumpcare. The score found that under Trumpcare, 24 million fewer Americans would have health insurance over the next decade, average health care premiums would rise by 15-20 percent over the next two years and critical federal healthcare funding to states would be cut by $880 billion. Yesterday, the agency evaluated last-minute changes to the legislation, and found the amended version of Trumpcare would still leave 24 million without health insurance while costing taxpayers an additional $186 billion. In addition, reports from the Joint Committee on Taxation show that Trumpcare will also cut billions in taxes – primarily for millionaires and billionaires.
Key provisions of Trumpcare include repealing the individual mandate, doing away with Affordable Care Act tax credits that low- and middle-income families rely on to afford health insurance, phasing out critical federal health care resources for states and repealing the taxes on wealthy Americans which currently finance the Affordable Care Act. This legislation also reduces health care quality by repealing the Affordable Care Act’s federal essential health benefits requirement, which would allow insurance companies to stop providing necessary services like maternity care and treatment for opioid abuse.