
Time for 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' to go

Seattle PI

Joel Connelly

Sens. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., applauded a new Pentagon report saying repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy will win wide acceptance among military personnel and not harm operations.

A provision to allow gays and lesbians to openly serve is included in a military spending bill set for Senate debate this week.

"This report gives us just one more reason among many to finally repeal 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'," said Murray. "We have heard the stories of the lives this policy has ruined, we have heard from top-ranking military officials that it simply doesn't work, and now we have heard from service members that they want it to change.

"It's a policy that has failed in its intended goals and done a tremendous disservice to men and women who want nothing more than to defend their country and the freedoms America stands for."

Cantwell applauded the report, and argued that it is time for the Senate to act.

"The repeal is measured and responsible," she said. "Secretary (Robert) Gates has assured us that the pending legislation provides the Department of Defense with both the time and flexibility it needs to implement this important policy change."

"We are engaged in military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and we are dealing with a brewing crisis on the Korean Peninsula.

"This is not a time for obstructionist tactics to be used to block consideration of legislation vitally important to our war fighters and the defense of our nation."

Rep. Rick Larsen, D-Wash., who sits on the House Armed Services Committee, argued that an inclusive military will be a better military.

"Allowing all qualified men and women to serve their country will have long-term benefits to our national security," Larsen said.

Two prominent Washington politicians, Sen. Warren Magnuson and Rep. (later Sen) Henry Jackson, gave support more than 60 years ago when President Harry Truman integrated the armed forces.