
US House passes measure on air tanker fight

OLYMPIA, Wash. —
The U.S. House has passed a measure that would require the Pentagon to factor in all government subsidies in the Air Force's aerial refueling tanker competition.
The measure passed on a 325-23 vote Tuesday. It was introduced by Reps. Jay Inslee and Rick Larsen of Washington after the Senate didn't act on a similar measure passed earlier this year. It is uncertain whether the Senate will act on the House bill.
Boeing is competing with European aerospace company EADS to build the tanker.
The Pentagon is expected to award a $35 billion contract soon for 179 planes. Replacing the fleet of aging tankers eventually could be worth up to $100 billion.
Many in Washington state's congressional delegation want the Pentagon to consider that Airbus has received subsidies that the World Trade Organization calls improper.