
More public comment allowed on Growler jets at Whidbey

The Seattle Times: More public comment allowed on Growler jets at Whidbey

By Seattle Times Staff

The Navy has decided to extend, by 30 days, the public-comment period for a draft environmental study of the effects of adding up to 36 EA-18G Growler aircraft to the Naval Air Station Whidbey Island-based fleet.

The new Feb. 24 deadline results from requests by Gov. Jay Inslee, Sen. Maria Cantwell, Sen. Patty Murray and Rep. Rick Larsen for more time for public review of the draft study.

More than 80 Growler jets are based at Whidbey Island, where the Navy is a mainstay of the economy. The noise they emit during crew training has been a big concern for many residents who live near two landing strips and underneath the flight paths. In the San Juan Islands, a county website has received more than 6,500 noise reports since May 2014.

For those without computer access, the draft study can be viewed at public libraries in Whidbey Island and other surrounding areas.

Comments may be submitted online or in writing, and must be postmarked by Feb. 24.