
The American people shut down Republicans' repeal of Obamacare

The American people shut down Republicans' repeal of Obamacare

  • Seattle PI
  • Joel Connelly
  • 3/24/2017
The crackup of Republicans' health care plan had Washington, D.C., news outlets using terms like "major setback," and President Trump spinning reporters from outfits like The New York Times and The Washington Post that he has called enemies of the people.
The D.C. news and politician noise drowned out a basic reason: The American public did not like a bill that would have deprived 24 million people of their health care.
"Trumpcare" lost not in the corridors of power but in grassroots America -- including this Washington.
After six town meetings and copious input from his northwest Washington constituents, Rep. Rick Larsen, D-Wash., totaled up the numbers -- seven in favor of the GOP's American Health Care Act, 2,798 opposed.
"I think victory was only possible because people became engaged, called their member of Congress and spoke out at town meetings that this was bad for America," said freshman Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash. "The victory was for them, saying, 'No way you will take away our health care.'"