
State lawmakers respond to American Health Care Act failure

State lawmakers respond to American Health Care Act failure

  • KGMI
  • 3/24/2017
SEATTLE, WASH. – The effort to repeal Obamacare is dead.
The GOP’s American Health Care Act was withdrawn from the floor just moments before a vote, when it became clear it would not pass.
Democratic Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal of Seattle says Republicans rushed the issue.
“There were no hearings on this bill. There was no bringing together people to figure out what really needed to be fixed and how they could get to that place,” Jayapal says.
Democratic Congressman Rick Larsen says the healthcare battle is not over.
“Trump Care is not dead forever,” Larsen says.
But Larsen says the failure to pass healthcare reform is a “great victory.”
Republican National Committeewoman for Washington Fredi Simpson says the defeat will lead to more bipartisanship.
“I think you’re going to see Republicans start to come together and come up with a plan that all of them can agree with and also get a plan that they can get Democrats to sign on with them,” Simpson says.
House Speaker Paul Ryan says that Obamacare is the “law of the land.”
The GOP is now expected to move on to other issues.