Press Releases

Larsen: Annual Defense Bill Supports Northwest Washington’s Servicemembers and their Families, Military Communities

Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) successfully secured provisions in the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to protect national security, support servicemembers and their families and strengthen military communities in Northwest Washington. The NDAA was debated, amended and approved by the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) and will be considered by the full House of Representatives later this year.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) successfully secured provisions in the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to protect national security, support servicemembers and their families and strengthen military communities in Northwest Washington. The NDAA was debated, amended and approved by the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) and will be considered by the full House of Representatives later this year. 

“This year’s NDAA strengthens military readiness, supports servicemembers and their families and spurs innovative research to prepare for the future of national defense,” said Larsen, a senior HASC member. “I am thankful to my colleagues for including my priorities in this year’s bill and look forward to working with the Committee to bring this critical legislation over the finish line.” 

The NDAA includes several Larsen-supported provisions that will benefit Northwest Washington’s military families, installations and surrounding communities. 

Support for Military Families and Communities 

The NDAA includes provisions Larsen championed to support Northwest Washington military families and communities, including: 

  • $70 million for Impact Aid payments to schools that serve military students, like Oak Harbor School District 
  • A $10 million increase for the Preservation of the Force and Family mission to promote physical and cognitive well-being among Special Operations Forces servicemembers and their families 
  • An examination of whether the process for calculating the Basic Allowance for Housing makes sense in areas like Oak Harbor, an issue Larsen heard from constituents 
  • A review of post-service benefits, including GI Bill benefits, for career reservists, including recommendations about the expansion of GI Bill benefits, an issue raised by constituents at a town hall meeting 
  • A review of TRICARE reimbursement to Critical Access Hospitals 
  • Disclosure of PFAS testing results in areas around Naval Air Station (NAS) Whidbey Island, and a moratorium on the burning of PFAS until the DoD implements the Environmental Protection Agency’s guidance on disposal 

Jet Noise 

Larsen continues to support the sailors, families and missions at NAS Whidbey Island, and successfully included provisions in the NDAA to address concerns about jet noise, including: 

  • A review of how the DoD can better support noise insulation and noise mitigation investments for communities affected by jet noise 
  • $4 million for military jet noise reduction research 

Protecting Marine Mammals 

In the Pacific Northwest, Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKWs) are an important cultural symbol and environmental linchpin. The Navy and Coast Guard recently convened a working group to enhance the protection for marine mammals, including SRKWs. Larsen successfully included an amendment to direct the Navy and Coast Guard to brief HASC on the findings, goals and needed capabilities of this working group. 

For more information about the NDAA from the House Armed Services Committee, click here.
