Press Releases

Larsen: Building Northwest Washington’s Transportation Network Back Better Means Building Back Cleaner, Greener

Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) supported passage of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s portion of the Build Back Better Act, which invests nearly $60 billion to build a cleaner and greener U.S. transportation network, create more well-paying jobs and fight climate change. The bill now moves to the full House of Representatives for consideration.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Late last night, after a 15-hour markup, Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) supported passage of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s portion of the Build Back Better Act, which invests nearly $60 billion to build a cleaner and greener U.S. transportation network, create more well-paying jobs and fight climate change. The bill now moves to the full House of Representatives for consideration.

“Building back better means building back cleaner and greener,” said Larsen, a senior member of the Committee. “This aggressive and progressive bill makes necessary investments in affordable housing, transit, high speed rail, clean aviation, shipyards and other critical infrastructure for Northwest Washington to grow and thrive.”

“I will continue pushing for a long-term, FDR-like investment in the nation’s infrastructure to put Washingtonians to work, drive economic recovery and build a cleaner and greener infrastructure network.”

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the transportation sector is the number one source of emissions in the United States, responsible for 29% of greenhouse gas emissions nationwide.

The Committee’s portion of the budget reconciliation bill includes several key investments that benefit the Second District and the Pacific Northwest:

Constructing More Affordable Housing

  • $10 billion to support access to affordable housing and enhance mobility for low-income individuals and residents of disadvantaged communities.

Investing in Cleaner, Greener Air Travel

  • $1 billion to the Department of Transportation to support projects that develop, demonstrate, or apply low-emission technologies or produce, transport, blend or store sustainable aviation fuels.
  • As Chair of the Aviation Subcommittee, Larsen is a champion of robust federal investment in sustainable aviation fuels and innovative clean technology like advanced air mobility, electric propulsion, drones and supersonic aircraft.  

Investing in Sustainable Maritime Infrastructure

  • $2.5 billion to the Maritime Administration (MARAD) to support more sustainable port infrastructure and supply chain resilience. This investment includes funding for MARAD’s Small Shipyards Grant Program that enables shipyards like Mavrik Marine in La Conner to grow and remain competitive in the international maritime market.
  • $1 billion for climate resilient Coast Guard infrastructure.
  • Last year, Larsen, a senior member of the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee, supported passage of bipartisan legislation to keep the U.S. maritime system competitive and resilient and help ensure a healthy environment in the Pacific Northwest.

Investing in Northwest Washington’s Communities, Tribes

  • $6 billion to advance local surface transportation projects. Larsen recently secured a total investment of $19.44 million in the House-passed INVEST in America Act for five Second District projects local stakeholders identified as critical to fostering long-term economic growth.
  • $4 billion for reduction of carbon pollution in the nation’s roads, bridges, highways, transit, rail and water infrastructure. Earlier this year, Larsen supported the House-passed INVEST in America Act which invests $715 billion over the next five years in surface transportation and water infrastructure.
  • $500 million in grant assistance to invest in the backlog of wastewater projects on Tribal lands.
  • $425 million for grants for the construction, retrofit, technological enhancement, and updated planning requirements of state, local, Tribal and territorial emergency operation centers.

Investing in a More Equitable Transportation System

  • $9.5 billion to provide investments in persistently distressed communities, assist energy and industrial transition communities, invest in public works projects and create regional hubs.
  • $4 billion to support neighborhood equity, safety and affordable transportation access, including reconnecting communities divided by existing infrastructure barriers.
  • $2 billion to invest in sewer overflow and stormwater reuse projects, as well as a greater federal cost share for projects that serve financially distressed communities.

For more information on the Committee’s portion of the Build Back Better Act, click here.
