Press Releases

Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Advances Larsen’s Advanced Air Mobility Bill

Bipartisan legislation invests in forward-looking infrastructure, creates jobs

The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee advanced bipartisan legislation introduced by Reps. Rick Larsen (WA-02), Garret Graves (LA-06), Dina Titus (NV-01) and Troy Balderson (OH-12) to enable communities across the United States to plan for the emergence of advanced air mobility (AAM) vehicles in the national airspace. The Advanced Aviation Infrastructure Modernization Act passed the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee by a final vote of 55 to 2 and now heads to the full House for consideration.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee advanced bipartisan legislation introduced by Reps. Rick Larsen (WA-02), Garret Graves (LA-06), Dina Titus (NV-01) and Troy Balderson (OH-12) to enable communities across the United States to plan for the emergence of advanced air mobility (AAM) vehicles in the national airspace. The Advanced Aviation Infrastructure Modernization Act passed the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee by a final vote of 55 to 2 and now heads to the full House for consideration.

The Advanced Aviation Infrastructure Modernization Act establishes a two-year pilot initiative that invests $25 million in competitive grants for state, local and Tribal governments to develop and deploy AAM infrastructure.

“As Chair of the Aviation Subcommittee, I am focused on investing in an innovative aviation system that creates jobs and will last into the 2050s and beyond,” said Larsen. “My bipartisan bill enables communities to plan for the integration of the emergence of advanced air mobility vehicles, create jobs, reduce emissions and grow the nation’s leadership in the global aerospace industry.”

Several key aerospace stakeholders expressed their support for the bipartisan Advanced Aviation Infrastructure Modernization Act, including Joby Aviation, which praised the legislation as “a fantastic opportunity for cities and municipalities of all sizes to prepare for the transformative potential of advanced air mobility and the benefits it promises to bring to their communities.”

Key aerospace stakeholders that support the bipartisan legislation include:

  • Aerospace Industries Association
  • Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
  • Community Air Mobility Initiative
  • General Aviation Manufacturers Association
  • Helicopter Association International
  • National Air Transportation Association
  • National Association of Counties
  • National Association of State Aviation Officials
  • National Business Aviation Association
  • National League of Cities
  • Vertical Flight Society

The Committee also advanced the bipartisan National Center for the Advancement of Aviation Act, bipartisan legislation Larsen supported to promote collaboration among civil, commercial, military and aviation sectors and address challenges to ensure a safe and innovative national aviation system.

In April 2021, Larsen and Graves led an Aviation Subcommittee hearing to explore recent advances in the U.S. aerospace and the National Airspace System, including emerging airspace entrants like AAM. For more information on the hearing, click here.

For the full text of the Advanced Aviation Infrastructure Modernization Act, click here.

For video of Larsen’s remarks in support of Committee passage of the bill, click here.
