Press Releases

Larsen: Reforming Health Care Can Increase Incomes and Decrease the Deficit

U.S. Representative Rick Larsen (WA-02) released the following statement today after he heard testimony from Christina Romer, Chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) at a House Budget Committee hearing. The CEA released a report earlier this month entitled "The Economic Case for Health Care Reform," explaining why reforming health care  is critical for the future of the American economy.

“Ms. Romer delivered powerful testimony today regarding the need to reform health care in order to strengthen our economy for the long-term.  Most important was Ms. Romer’s testimony that reforming health care can increase families’ incomes and decrease the deficit.

“For a typical family of four, health care reform could put $2,600 more in their pockets by 2020 (in 2009 dollars), and nearly $10,000 more in their pockets by 2030.

“Moreover, health care reform could have a positive and far-reaching impact on our economy, from reducing the deficit, to improving our standard of living, to strengthening the labor market.

“In short, health care reform is about families’ pocketbooks, decreasing the deficit and building a stronger economic future.”

A link to the full report follows:
