Press Releases

Larsen Blasts "No U.S. Financing for Iran Act" as Job Destroyer

Congressman: ‘this bill is the first step of this new administration and this Republican Congress to destroy manufacturing and manufacturing jobs’

Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) today released the following statement after voting against H.R. 5711, a bill that aims to prohibit the Department of the Treasury from authorizing U.S. financial transactions related to the export or re-export of commercial passenger aircraft to Iran.

“This bill is the first step of this new administration and this Republican Congress to destroy manufacturing and manufacturing jobs in this country,” said Larsen, the Ranking Member on the House Subcommittee on Aviation. “By prohibiting the Department of the Treasury from authorizing transactions of commercial aircraft to the Republic of Iran, H.R. 5711 writes a check to our competitors in Europe.”

Earlier this year, Boeing announced a multi-billion dollar sales agreement with Iran Air which requires authorization from the Department of the Treasury.
