Press Releases

Larsen Vote Positions for Week of June 17

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, is leading the Washington delegation to the international air show on behalf of Gov. Jay Inslee this week. As a result, he will miss votes in the House of Representatives. He will announce his position on votes the House takes on this web page.

Monday, June 17, 2013

  • Roll Call Vote 245: On passage of H.R. 876, the Idaho Wilderness Water Resources Protection Act – Rep. Larsen would have voted YES
  • Roll Call Vote 246: On passage of H.R. 253, the Y Mountain Access Enhancement Act – Rep. Larsen would have voted YES
  • Roll Call Vote 247: On passage of H.R. 862, on the Coconino National Forest – Rep. Larsen would have voted YES

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

  • Roll Call Vote 248: On ordering the previous question. – Rep. Larsen would have voted NO.
  • Roll Call Vote 249: On the rule to provide for consideration of H.R. 1947 and H.R. 1797. – Rep. Larsen would have voted NO.
  • Roll Call Vote 250: On passage of H.R. 1151 to direct the Secretary of State to develop a strategy to obtain observer status for Taiwan at the triennial International Civil Aviation Organization Assembly. – Rep. Larsen would have voted YES.
  • Roll Call Vote 251: On passage of H.R. 1797, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. – Rep. Larsen would have voted NO. [Statement]
  • Roll Call Vote 252: On passage of H.R. 1896, regarding international recovery of child support – Rep. Larsen would have voted YES.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Thursday, June 20, 2013
