Press Releases

Larsen: Republicans Wasting Time on Divisive Bill, Ignoring Economy and Jobs

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, issued the following statement today in advance of the House of Representatives’ vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act which would cut off legal access to abortion services at 20 weeks after fertilization.

“How many more ways can Republicans come up with to avoid working on improving the economy?” Larsen said. “Instead of wasting time on divisive bills-to-nowhere, Republicans need to put Congress to work on legislation to replace the job-killing sequester and invest in job-creating 21st century infrastructure.

“Since the Roe v. Wade decision 40 years ago, women have had the right to make medical decisions privately with their doctors. I steadfastly support that right.”

Larsen is leading the Washington delegation to the international air show on behalf of Gov. Jay Inslee and will miss votes in the House of Representatives this week. He is posting his positions on House votes on this webpage