Press Releases

Larsen, DelBene Secure Funds to Move Skagit Flood Protection Forward

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, and Rep. Suzan DelBene, WA-01, today announced the Army Corps of Engineers has agreed to their request for full funding of the Skagit River General Investigation (G.I.) study for the remainder of the fiscal year. The Army Corps will spend $299,400 on the study, which will shape flood protection for communities throughout the Skagit Valley.

“We need the Army Corps to finish this study so we can move on to building flood protection for towns and cities along the Skagit River,” Larsen said. “I am pleased that even under a much tighter budget, the Army Corps answered our call to fully fund this important study. Skagit County leaders are committed to finishing this study because it is the best way to figure out how to protect lives and property in the Skagit Valley.”

“Ensuring that the Skagit Valley is prepared for the next devastating flood is critical to protecting the region’s economy and the safety of those who live in its communities,” said DelBene. “Today’s announcement is validation of the united effort by community stakeholders and local elected officials to get the Skagit G.I. done and move forward on comprehensive flood solutions.”

Larsen and DelBene met with county leaders in January to discuss flood protection, and requested full funding for the project in April.