Press Releases
Larsen: Equality Has its Day with Supreme Court’s Decisions on Same-Sex Marriage
Washington, DC,
June 26, 2013
Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, issued the following statement after the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act and issued an opinion on California’s Proposition 8 case opening the door to same-sex marriage in that state. “Equality had a good day today,” Larsen said. “Starting today, legally married couples in Washington state will have their marriages recognized by their federal government. “I am proud that Washington state voters led the charge for marriage equality, making our state one of the first to legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote. “As we celebrate this decision, we must also rededicate ourselves to eliminating discrimination in all forms. Congress must pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act and the Respect for Marriage Act, to make sure gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people receive equal protection under the law. We must pass the paycheck fairness act, so women will finally earn equal pay for equal work. And we must fight to strengthen voting rights protections, so all Americans can exercise their right to a ballot.” |