Press Releases

Larsen: We Must End the Shutdown and Get Back to Work on Real Issues Facing the Country

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, issued the following statement today on the Senate agreement to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling.

“I support the agreement to reopen the government and protect the full faith and credit of the United States,” Larsen said. “We need to move past this manufactured crisis so we can get to work on the important issues that Congress still needs to address.

“I have directed my office to work with federal agencies as soon as they reopen to quickly restore services to people and businesses in Northwest Washington. A lot of people have been hurt by the shutdown, and I am committed to alleviating as much of that damage as possible.

“Over the next few months, I will be focused on contributing to a long-term budget that cuts our deficit and makes job-creating investments in transportation and education. Congress also needs to return to its work on reforming our broken immigration system. I cosponsored comprehensive immigration reform because it will improve the economy in Northwest Washington and make our community stronger.

“We have too many real issues to address for Congress to waste time staggering between manufactured crises. I’m ready to get back to work on creating jobs and making our country stronger.”