Press Releases

Larsen Statement on Progress to Bring 777X Production to Washington State

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, issued the following statement regarding the negotiations between Boeing, the International Association of Machinists and Washington state to bring production of the 777X and the 777X wing to Washington.

“The proposal to bring the 777X to Washington is a recognition that our aerospace workers are the best in the world,” Larsen said. “This deal has the potential to lock in decades of new aerospace work, bringing thousands of good jobs to Everett and securing our state’s place as the aerospace capital of the world.

“I commend the Machinists and Boeing for working together on this proposal. These talks are always difficult, and over the next few days, union members will have a significant conversation on the way forward.

“I hope the legislature comes to a cooperative agreement to invest in transportation and education. Investing in our roads, bridges and highways is the right thing to do not only to secure the 777X, but to build the foundation for long-term economic growth across the state. And we need to continue to invest in education so Washington state continues to have the best trained aerospace workforce of the world.

“Successful transportation investment in Snohomish County needs to be well-rounded, and include transit investments as well as road improvements. I look forward to working with the state and county to make the smart choices that will fuel growth.”

The Second Congressional District, which Larsen represents, is home to more than 20,000 Boeing employees and the company’s Everett factory where the current 777 is manufactured. Larsen is the top Democrat on the House Aviation Subcommittee. At the request of Gov. Jay Inslee, Larsen led Washington’s delegation to the International Paris Air Show in July.