Press Releases

Larsen Statement on Machinists’ Vote to Reject Contract Extension Offer

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, issued the following statement after the International Association of Machinists District 751 voted to reject the contract extension offer from Boeing.

“I believe Washington is still the best place to build the 777X, but the hill just got steeper,” Larsen said. “We now need to be prepared for an intense competition with other states and countries that want these jobs.

“The commercial aerospace industry is changing rapidly, and Washington needs to change with it to stay competitive. We are no longer in a Boeing and Airbus world. We need to be prepared for new entrants from Canada, Brazil, China and elsewhere that are eager for a portion of the growing aerospace industry.

“Gov. Inslee and other state leaders have been determined advocates to bring the 777X to Washington. I remain determined to work with them to show why our state is still the best place in the world to build airplanes.”