Press Releases

Larsen on KVI: It’s Time to Raise the Minimum Wage

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, made the case for raising the minimum wage in an appearance today on KVI with host John Carlson. Larsen is cosponsor of a bill to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. Audio of the interview is available here.

“It’s pretty clear that low-wage workers are older than they were 30 years ago, they’re often the sole breadwinners in their families, and the minimum wage has not kept up with the economy,” Larsen said. “This is an effort to try to pick up that pace a little bit.”

Larsen also argued that the United States needs to invest in transportation infrastructure and education to create jobs and grow the economy in the long run.

Larsen wrote an op-ed for The Bellingham Herald on the minimum wage this weekend.