Press Releases

Larsen Votes to Accelerate Withdrawal in Afghanistan, End Possibility of Indefinite Detention for those Captured on U.S. Soil

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today voted to accelerate American forces withdrawal from Afghanistan and end the possibility of indefinite military detention for those apprehended on U.S. soil.

Larsen voted for two amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013. The Afghanistan amendment, offered by Rep. Jim McGovern, passed on a 305-121 vote. The amendment on indefinite detention, offered by Rep. Adam Smith, failed on a 200-226 vote.

“I am pleased that the House of Representatives spoke with a strong voice to end our combat mission in Afghanistan,” Larsen said. “It is beyond time to transfer combat operations to Afghan officials and bring American troops home. The President should listen to this strong bipartisan statement by the House.

“I strongly support the Smith amendment because it would restore due process and a respect for our Constitutionally-defined judicial process. Unfortunately, a majority of House Republicans voted to leave the door open to letting the military indefinitely detain American citizens. I am committed to working with Rep. Smith to restore due process and end the possibility of indefinite military detention for those apprehended on U.S. soil.”