Press Releases

LoBiondo and Larsen Applaud NextGen Progress, Will Continue Strong Oversight

Reps. Frank LoBiondo, NJ-02, and Rick Larsen, WA-02, today commended the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) and RTCA NextGen Advisory Committee’s (NAC) joint report, titled “NextGen Priorities Joint Implementation Plan,” laying out their roadmap for progress on four near-term capabilities of the Next Generation Air Transportation system (NextGen).

Chairman LoBiondo and Ranking Member Larsen of the House Aviation Subcommittee tasked the FAA in February with creating this implementation plan, which focuses on near-term capabilities identified by the NAC. In September, LoBiondo and Larsen wrote to Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx reemphasizing the need to meet the October 18 deadline for the plan. The four capabilities include improved navigation using satellite systems, air to ground data communications, runway use efficiency improvements, and improved performance in ground operations at airports.

“The joint plan issued today is a step in the right direction towards delivering long awaited NextGen capabilities to our aviation system and the traveling public. I applaud the hard work that FAA and industry have put forth in developing this report. As the FAA and industry move towards implementation of these NextGen capabilities, the House Aviation Subcommittee will continue to exercise its oversight role during this critical phase of transition,” said Chairman LoBiondo.

“NextGen has the potential to make better use of our airspace to facilitate safer, more efficient air travel. When we heard from aviation stakeholders that they were not seeing immediate results from NextGen, we asked FAA to come up with this plan for quick implementation of these new technologies. While these priorities may seem technical, their timely implementation will mean safer, faster travel for the flying public. I look forward to working with Chairman LoBiondo to continue strong oversight and keep NextGen on track,” Ranking Member Larsen said.

The FAA’s report is available here.
