FY 2026 Community Project Funding Requests

In 2025, Representative Larsen submitted a total of 15 funding requests for important community projects in WA-02 to the House Appropriations Committee.

To submit a Community Project Funding request, first review the resources document and then submit a request to Rep. Larsen via the web form prior to Tuesday, April 1, 2025. The resources page and web form are based on FY 2024 program parameters and are subject to change. The deadline for submissions is also subject to change.

In compliance with House Rules and Committee requirements, Representative Larsen must certify that he, his spouse and his immediate family have no financial interest in any of the projects he requests.

Note: This form is based on guidance the Appropriations Committee provided to Members of Congress in previous years. Required information and deadlines are subject to change when this guidance is updated for Fiscal Year 2026.

Required fields are followed by *.


Contact Information
Entity/Account Information

Project Information

For files larger than 400kb, please email them to Larsen.FY25.CPFAppropriationsRequests@mail.house.gov
Documents must be the following file types: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt
Macintosh users: Your document must have a file extension. Resave it using your word processor with the appropriate extension from the above list.