Press Releases

Larsen Statement on Hopes for State of the Union Address

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Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) issued the following statement in advance of President Trump’s State of the Union address: “I hope President Trump uses tonight’s State of the Union address as an opportunity to focus on the important issues facing Washington’s Second District, the Pacific Northwest and the nation. “I hope the president highlights the need for…

Larsen Statement in Response to CBP Directive to Detain Americans at U.S.-Canada Border

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Today, Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) issued the below statement in response to a newly-released U.S. Customs and Border Protection memo that shows American citizens of Iranian descent and others were targeted for detainment based on little more than their country of origin at the Blaine Ports of Entry: “Three weeks ago, I joined Congresswoman DelBene and my colleagues to press U.S.…

Larsen, Langevin and Carson Introduce Legislation to Better Protect Americans From the Flu

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Today, Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02), Rep. Jim Langevin (D-RI) and Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN) introduced two bills to better protect Americans from seasonal and pandemic flu. The Protecting Americans from Seasonal Influenza Act establishes a grant program for states to better prepare communities against seasonal flu by increasing vaccination rates. The National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza…

Chair Larsen Opening Statement at Aviation Subcommittee Hearing on Oversight of Working Conditions for Airline Ground Workers

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House Aviation Subcommittee Chair Rick Larsen (WA-02) delivered the below opening statement at the House Aviation Subcommittee hearing entitled “Oversight of Working Conditions for Airline Ground Workers.” You can view Chair Larsen’s opening statement here. Remarks as prepared for delivery “Good morning and thank you to the witnesses for joining today’s…

Larsen Votes to Hold President Accountable to the American People, Limit Use of Military Force Against Iran

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Today, Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02), a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, voted in favor of a War Powers Resolution to limit the president’s use of military force against Iran.   “Today, I voted to limit the use of military force against Iran,” said Larsen. “I have been very clear, regardless of which party is in the White House: citing…

Larsen Statement on the Killing of General Qassim Soleimani

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Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02), a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, released the following statement, in response to the killing of General Qassim Soleimani, commander of Iran’s Quds Force: “For all the talk the President makes about getting out of the Middle East, his actions continue to foreshadow even more involvement in the region, including the most recent…

Larsen Announces Winner of 2019 Congressional App Challenge

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Tags: Education

EVERETT, WA – Today, Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) announced William Humarang, a student at Mariner High School in Everett, as the Second District winner of the 2019 Congressional App Challenge. Humarang was inspired to create his app, “Hacker Game: A Puzzle Game of 3 Stages,” after revisiting previous efforts to design and develop apps. Humarang’s winning entry…

Larsen Statement on Resignation of Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg

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 – Today, House Aviation Subcommittee Chair Rick Larsen (WA-02) issued the following statement on news of the resignation of Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg: “Nothing is more important than the safety of the traveling public. As Chair of the Aviation Subcommittee, I remain committed to the thorough oversight of the 737 MAX certification process and ensuring the…

Larsen Statement on House Passage of USMCA

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Today, Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02), a co-chair of the New Democrat Coalition Trade Task Force, released the following statement after voting for the United States – Mexico – Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA): “After carefully reviewing the agreement and hearing from my constituents in the Second District, I decided to vote for the USMCA. “Today’s passage of the…

Larsen Introduces Bill to Eliminate Barriers to Education for Sign Language Students

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Tags: Education

Today, Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) introduced the Signing is Language Act, legislation to ensure dual-language learners who use sign language to communicate at home have access to the resources needed to succeed in the classroom. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which was signed into law by President Obama in 2015, substantially improved access to educational resources for…