Security Industry Association: SIA Names Legislators of the Year
SILVER SPRING, Md. (June 3, 2016)—The Security Industry Association (SIA) today announced it would recognize three Members of Congress as SIA Legislators of the Year for their tireless devotion to security matters.
The SIA Legislator of the Year Award is presented annually to Members of Congress and other elected… Read more »
Edmonds Beacon: Rep. Rick Larsen visits with EdCC MESA students
Washington state Rep. Rick Larsen met with Edmonds Community College MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement) students on May 6 on the college's campus.
Students shared stories about how the MESA and RISE (Relations in Science Education) programs have created motivation and inspiration in their educational… Read more »
EVERETT—Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, is inviting constituents to attend service academy information nights later this month. Larsen’s staff will hold two information nights on May 18 in Everett and May 19 in Burlington. Students and their families from the Second Congressional District are invited to learn more about the application process for a Congressional nomination to one of… Read more »
A high school student from Mukilteo has won the Congressional Art Competition for the Second Congressional District, Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, announced today. Ohnshim Kim of Mukilteo won top honors for her charcoal drawing entitled “A Walk,” which will be displayed in the U.S. Capitol Building for a year. Students from Everett, Bellingham and Lynnwood received honorable… Read more »
Many jobs in today’s globally competitive workforce require some level of STEM skills, which is why Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, announced his support today for a new bill that encourages more women and minorities to enter STEM fields.
Larsen is an original cosponsor of the Women and Minorities in STEM Booster Act, which sets up a competitive grant program for colleges, universities and… Read more »
Reps. Rick Larsen, WA-02, and Susan Brooks, IN-05, this week launched the School Safety Caucus to focus on best practices for school safety and investments to help schools meet their unique safety needs.
Larsen and Brooks launched the Caucus at a briefing on Capitol Hill on Wednesday to address safety challenges and opportunities that schools face.
“Schools must be a place where our… Read more »
Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, issued the following statement after the President released his budget proposal for FY2017. Larsen said the President’s budget contains many positive investments that will create more good-paying jobs, access to skills training, financial security and opportunity for communities in Northwest Washington.
“The budget the President announced today makes… Read more »
Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today called for investments to support long-term economic growth and opportunity in Northwest Washington in a statement to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Budget. Larsen highlighted his priorities for the coming year and urged the committee to fund critical investments that create more jobs and more access to skills training. The full text of… Read more »
Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today voted in favor of a bipartisan spending bill that makes major investments in the environment and clean energy, as well as other investments in jobs and opportunity for which he has long advocated. The FY2016 Omnibus Appropriations Act provides funding for all federal agencies through September 2016, in line with the bipartisan budget agreement that Congress… Read more »
Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today voted for and the U.S. House of Representatives passed a major education reform bill that includes Larsen’s bipartisan language to provide payments to school districts that serve large numbers of military families and tribes. Earlier this year, Larsen introduced the Local Taxpayer Relief Act (H.R. 1318) in support of Impact Aid.
The Every Student… Read more »