Jobs & the Economy

Larsen Welcomes EPA Move to Halt Bristol Bay Pebble Mine Proposal

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today praised the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) move to stop the proposed Pebble Mine near Alaska’s Bristol Bay. Larsen opposes development of the Pebble Mine, which would hurt Washington fishers by damaging a critical salmon fishery. “Thousands of Washington fishers and processors depend on the vibrant sockeye salmon fishery in Bristol…

Larsen: 777X Investment in Everett Will Drive Long-Term Economic Growth

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, issued the following statement following Boeing’s announcement that it will construct its 777X composite wing center in Everett. “Boeing’s investment in Everett will drive long-term economic growth, creating jobs and opportunity for people throughout Northwest Washington,” Larsen said. “Everett workers will build a plane in our little…

Larsen: Finally the House Agrees: The United States Pays Its Bills

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, issued the following statement after the House of Representatives voted to suspend the debt ceiling through March 2015. “After too many years of brinkmanship, I am relieved the House of Representatives has now embraced a simple, but important principle: The United States pays its bills. “By passing a budget and raising the debt ceiling, the House has…

Larsen on KVI: Its Time to Raise the Minimum Wage

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, made the case for raising the minimum wage in an appearance today on KVI with host John Carlson. Larsen is cosponsor of a bill to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. Audio of the interview is available here. “It’s pretty clear that low-wage workers are older than they were 30 years ago, they’re often the sole breadwinners in their…

Larsen: Investment in Exporting Creates Jobs At Home

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, hailed new investments in export promotion included in the Omnibus Appropriations Act that the House of Representatives passed today. “When we export our products abroad, we create jobs here at home,” Larsen said. “Investments in export promotion are paid back many times over as American businesses find new markets for their products, expand…

Larsen Votes for Job-Creating Investments in Annual Government Funding Bill

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today voted to approve a government funding bill that includes several job-creating investments for which he has long advocated. The Omnibus Appropriations Act provides funding for all federal agencies through September 2014, in line with a bipartisan budget agreement that Congress passed last month. “My top priority in Congress is to invest in the…

Larsen: We Need to Raise the Minimum Wage to Increase Economic Opportunity

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Workers in low-wage jobs would receive at least $10.10 an hour if Congress passes a measure that Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, cosponsored today. The Fair Minimum Wage Act (H.R. 1010) would increase the federal minimum wage over three years and adjust the wage to keep pace with inflation. “Raising the minimum wage puts money in the pockets of Americans who are working hard to provide…

Larsen Statement on Machinists Vote to Approve Boeing Contract Offer

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, issued the following statement after members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers voted to approve a contract offer from Boeing that will bring production of the 777X wing and fuselage to Washington: “Now that the state and union have delivered, it is time for Boeing to hold up its end of the bargain. Washington has shown that…

Washington Democrats Ask for State and Local Sales Tax Deduction Extension

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Today, U.S. Reps. Jim McDermott, D-Wash., Rick Larsen, D-Wash., Suzan DelBene, D-Wash., Denny Heck, D-Wash., and Derek Kilmer, D-Wash., sent a letter to Ways and Means Chair David Camp and Ranking Member Sander Levin asking for an extension of the state and local sales tax deduction that is set to expire January 1. “Extending the sales tax deduction is critical to ensuring equal tax…

Larsen: Machinists Should Be Allowed to Vote on Latest Offer from Boeing

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Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, issued the following statement following the breakdown in negotiations between Boeing and IAM 751. “I was highly encouraged when Boeing and the Machinists restarted talks this week, and I am deeply disappointed that they appear to have fallen apart. “I have spent a lot of time speaking with, and listening to Boeing and Machinists leaders and members. I…