Press Releases

Larsen Statement on President Obama’s Plan to Withdraw from Afghanistan

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, released the following statement after President Obama announced his plan for U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Based on the President’s plan, the military will have 9,800 troops in Afghanistan at the end of 2014, half that at the end of 2015, and routine embassy personnel only by the end of 2016. 

The administration estimates the post-2014 troop presence in Afghanistan will cost $20 billion. This comes on top of the $640 billion the U.S. Department of Defense has spent on the war in Afghanistan since it began in 2001.

 “I am pleased that the administration will be bringing 22,000 troops home this year and transitioning security responsibilities to the Afghan people. However, I am disappointed in the President’s decision to extend our military presence.

“As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I have repeatedly voted to wind down our combat operations in Afghanistan and bring our troops home. It is time to transition security efforts to the Afghan people. We should do everything in our power to end the war immediately and Congress should have a real debate on our continued mission in Afghanistan,” Larsen said.
