Press Releases

Larsen: Mukilteo Ferry Terminal Improvements Will Keep NW Economy Moving

Major upgrades to the Mukilteo Ferry Terminal, a project Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, has worked on for more than a decade, is expected to get an additional $12 million from the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC). The council’s Transportation Policy Board recommended $12 million for the project during its meeting today. Final approval for the funds will come later this year, following a public comment period and an air quality assessment. The PSRC funds come from the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration. The state legislature has identified nearly $117 million in funding for the Mukilteo Ferry Terminal project, including $30 million in federal funding, according to the state Department of Transportation.

The Mukilteo Multimodal Ferry Terminal project will help reduce congestion through Mukilteo and on State Route 525. The project includes a new passenger terminal building with pedestrian, bicycle and high-occupancy vehicle loading, better commuter rail connections, and a bus transit center.

Larsen worked for more than 10 years with local, state and federal stakeholders to transfer the property for the new terminal from the Air Force to the Port of Everett. The transfer was completed last fall. Larsen also has advocated for federal funding for the Mukilteo Ferry Terminal, including in spending bills in 2007 and 2009.

“People in Northwest Washington understand that ferries are an extension of our highway system. That’s why I have pushed since I was first elected to make sure Mukilteo gets a world-class multimodal facility. It is great news that the Puget Sound Regional Council will consider providing $12 million to fund the much-needed updates to the ferry terminal.

“Investing in transportation, like the Mukilteo Ferry Terminal, creates jobs and keeps our economy moving. This project highlights that federal, state and private stakeholders can work together to make needed improvements to our transportation infrastructure. It is also a reminder to my colleagues in Congress that federal transportation funding should be a top priority because it puts people to work and is a foundation of economic growth,” Larsen said.
