Press Releases

Larsen Helps Shape Defense Bill to Support Washington’s Second District

Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02), a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee (HASC), helped shape the Fiscal Year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to support servicemembers and military communities in Washington’s Second District. This Wednesday, HASC will debate and amend the NDAA.

“Thank you to Chair Adam Smith for including my priorities in the House draft of the NDAA,” said Larsen. “I look forward to working with the bipartisan HASC members to pass a bill that promotes national security, treats servicemembers fairly and supports local military communities.”

Rep. Larsen successfully included several provisions to support Washington’s military communities:

Naval Station Everett

Built as a carrier homeport, Naval Station Everett is uniquely well-suited to this mission. Unfortunately, the Navy’s 2018 Strategic Laydown and Dispersal Plan changed the Navy’s plan to base an aircraft carrier at Naval Station Everett in 2019 and beyond. The NDAA expresses the committee’s concern with this decision and Larsen successfully included a provision that directs the Comptroller General of the United States to submit a report to HASC on recent changes to the Navy’s West Coast aircraft carrier homeporting.

Jet Noise

Larsen successfully included important provisions to address jet noise reduction research, conduct real-time noise monitoring and provide a report on available programs and authorities to mitigate the effects of military aircraft noise on private residences, schools and hospitals. These policies will ensure air crews can get vital training while better understanding and reducing the impact of operations on surrounding communities.

Artificial Intelligence

Larsen successfully included a provision that requires the Department of Defense to develop an Artificial Intelligence (AI) education strategy and requires the underlying curriculum to include ethical issues, bias and potential strengths and weaknesses of AI.

Impact Aid

Larsen successfully included $50 million for Impact Aid payments to schools serving military dependents, such as the Oak Harbor School District.

After committee consideration, the full House of Representative will debate the bill.
