Press Releases

Larsen: CARES Act Delivers Critical COVID-19 Relief to Washington’s Workers, Families and Small Businesses

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) voted for critical emergency relief for Washington state’s workers, families and small businesses suffering from the impacts of COVID-19. The bipartisan Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security, or CARES Act passed the House of Representatives by voice vote. The president signed the bill into law this afternoon.

“I understand the impact COVID-19 and essential social distancing measures are having on people in Northwest Washington. Everyday life has come to a standstill. My constituents want three things: protective equipment for medical professionals and first responders, accurate COVID-19 information from health care experts and life to return to normal.

“This bipartisan bill delivers vital financial assistance for people to help make ends meet, boosts funding for state and local governments to get the personal protective equipment needed to fight the virus and keep people safe, and enables small business owners to access critical resources to retain workforce and keep the lights on. The bill also includes robust protections for the aviation and aerospace workforce which helps drive the region’s economy.

“The CARES Act is a necessary next step to protect Washingtonians’ health, safety and economic security, but it will not be the last. I will continue to work with local officials and Washington state’s congressional delegation to fight for critical COVID-19 relief.

“Washingtonians can and will get through this difficult time together. I want to acknowledge and thank the hardworking frontline nurses, doctors, health care professionals and first responders, who are working tirelessly to save lives. I also want to recognize the grocery store workers, maintenance professionals, transit operators and others for your essential work.”

The CARES Act ensures Washington state will receive an estimated $2.95 billion to help state and local governments fight COVID-19. Among several pro-worker and pro-family provisions, the bill includes expanded unemployment benefits for laid-off and furloughed workers, including self-employed and gig economy workers; direct cash payments to lower and middle-income Americans; robust small business aid; and increased resources for hospitals, health care workers and researchers combatting the virus.

For text of the CARES Act, click here.

For a summary of the CARES Act, click here.

For video of Larsen discussing the impacts of COVID-19 on the Second District, click here.
