Press Releases

Larsen Statement on Boeing’s Decision to Lay Off Nearly 10,000 Washington Employees

EVERETT, WA – Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02), Chair of the House Aviation Subcommittee, released the below statement in response to Boeing’s decision to lay off nearly 10,000 employees in Washington state and more than 12,000 employees nationwide:

“Boeing’s decision to lay off nearly 10,000 dedicated, highly-skilled women and men in Washington state is difficult news for the workers and communities I represent.

“Northwest Washington is home to the best aviation and aerospace workforce in the world. More than 20,000 Boeing employees who work and live in the Second District keep the regional economy moving and help the U.S. remain competitive abroad. I will work to ensure impacted Washingtonians have access to necessary resources to help find new work.

“The pandemic has had a devastating impact on the aviation and aerospace industry here in Washington state and across the U.S. I will continue to fight for robust protections and economic relief to support workers, local communities and the U.S. aviation and aerospace supply chain.”
