Press Releases

Larsen Outlines Priorities for Next COVID-19 Relief Package

Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) outlined his priorities to address the continued public health crisis and provide much-needed support for families in Northwest Washington in any upcoming pandemic relief legislation.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) outlined his priorities to address the continued public health crisis and provide much-needed support for families in Northwest Washington in any upcoming pandemic relief legislation: 

“Congress must act now to address the continued public health crisis and protect Washingtonians’ health, safety and economic security,” said Larsen.

In May, the House passed the HEROES Act, which would provide relief for Washingtonians and help spur economic recovery. Larsen’s priorities for a final COVID-19 relief package include: 

Extension of Federal Unemployment Assistance 
“More than 500,000 Washingtonians remain out of work. However, federal emergency unemployment assistance will end next week if the Senate does not act. The Senate must extend the $600 per week emergency unemployment assistance through January 2021. This is a lifeline for the record number of unemployed Washingtonians.” 

Support for Essential Workers  
“Pandemic response has stretched state, local, county and tribal governments’ budgets thin. Congress should provide the HEROES Act level of support: approximately $10.8 billion for Washington state communities over the next two years so health care workers, police, fire, transportation, EMS, teachers and other essential workers can stay on the job.”

Fighting Hunger 
“According to Food Lifeline, the need for food in Washington state has nearly doubled since the pandemic began. The HEROES Act expands the monthly SNAP benefit by 15 percent and boosts funding for vital nutrition programs to improve families’ access to healthy, nutritious meals.” 

Ensuring School Safety 
“Schools will reopen when state officials deem it safe to do so. Instead of conditioning funding, Congress should help schools and students meet urgent needs, like cleaning and protective equipment and broadband access.” 

Protecting Workers 
“The economy cannot fully reopen if workers are unsafe. The next relief bill should include HEROES Act provisions establishing health standards that keep workers and the public safe. The bill should also protect workers who report infection control issues on the job.”  

Support for Aviation/Aerospace Industry 
“The pandemic is devastating the aviation and aerospace industry here in Northwest Washington and across the U.S. Congress must extend existing aviation industry support programs that preserve jobs and help local communities that rely on the U.S. aviation and aerospace supply chain.” 

Safeguards for Democracy 
“Amid the public health crisis, Congress should ensure the security of the general election and the safety of the voting public. As part of ensuring election security, Congress should provide financial relief to the U.S. Postal Service, a critical lifeline for Washingtonians who rely on the mail to cast ballots, fill prescriptions, conduct business and stay in touch with family, friends and neighbors.” 
