Press Releases

Larsen Statement on Boeing Production Cuts, Delays

EVERETT, WA -- Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02), Chair of the House Aviation Subcommittee, released the following statement today after Boeing announced commercial production cuts and delays to the 747, 777/777x and 787 lines:

“This morning’s disappointing news from Boeing is yet another devastating blow to the workers and local communities I represent who are absorbing the COVID-19 pandemic, a historic drop in air travel and the uncertainty of 787 production in Northwest Washington.

“Still, Northwest Washington’s aviation and aerospace workforce is the best in the world. The region’s strong education system, robust supply chains and extensive experience building aircraft make the Northwest resilient to even a historic disruption like this.

“I am committed to helping our region work back to full strength and remain the aerospace capital of the world. The U.S. aviation economy must plan for the future and be ready to act when the nation gets to the other side of this pandemic.”
