Press Releases

Larsen Introduces Bill to Improve and Expand AI Education for U.S. Servicemembers

“Artificial intelligence is no longer the future – it is the here and now,” said Larsen, who previously served on the Armed Services Committee for 22 years. “The Next Generation Military Education Act ensures servicemembers get the critical tools they need to meet today’s global challenges while developing in-demand skills and knowledge to master AI.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week, Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) introduced the Next Generation Military Education Act to improve and expand artificial intelligence (AI) education for U.S. servicemembers.

“Artificial intelligence is no longer the future – it is the here and now,” said Larsen, who previously served on the Armed Services Committee for 22 years. “The Next Generation Military Education Act ensures servicemembers get the critical tools they need to meet today’s global challenges while developing in-demand skills and knowledge to master AI.”

Larsen a Champion of AI Education for Servicemembers

The Next Generation Military Education Act builds on Larsen’s work to develop an AI education strategy for servicemembers. In 2019, Larsen successfully included a provision in the FY20 National Defense Authorization Act that required the Department of Defense (DoD) to develop an AI education strategy. Larsen’s provision also required the underlying curriculum to include ethical issues, bias, and potential strengths and weaknesses of AI.

What Does the Next Generation Military Education Act Do?

Specifically, the Next Generation Military Education Act requires:

·       The DoD’s Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Officer to provide an online AI education course;

·       All military branches to participate in “Digital On-Demand,” the DoD’s initiative to accelerate AI knowledge; and

·       The DoD to add an AI risks and threats section to its annual mandatory cybersecurity training.

To read the Next Generation Military Education Act, click here.
