Press Releases

Larsen Joins Coalition of Democrats to Introduce Comprehensive Immigration Reform Package in House

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, issued the following statement today after joining other House Democrats to introduce a comprehensive immigration reform package in the House.

“Even during the Republican shutdown, we can’t stop working to improve our economy. We need to end this shutdown so Congress can take up comprehensive immigration reform and other bills that will create jobs and make our nation stronger.

“We are a nation of immigrants. Whether we come from places like Norway, like my ancestors did, or from places like Mexico, Korea or the Philippines, we are all looking for the same thing: a good education, opportunity and work.

“Our immigration system is broken, and my conversations with people across Northwest Washington have taught me that we need a comprehensive solution. I’m focused on breaking down the barriers that stop people from fully participating in the economy and our democracy. Immigration reform will help us do that.

“Over the last year, I have met with young undocumented immigrants who made impassioned cases for the DREAM Act. I’ve met with farmers and high-tech companies and their workers who have shown me the need for visa reform. And I’ve met with members of cultural communities throughout Northwest Washington, who have told me why they and their families came to America. At the core, their message to me has been the same: we need reform that expands opportunity and grows the economy.

“The complex problems of the immigration system impact nearly every person in our country and every part of our economy. When families face the pain of separation, each person’s contributions are held back. When businesses can’t find employees with the right type of skills, profits are lost. And when workers can’t find good-paying jobs, our economy can’t reach its full potential.

“The Senate passed a bipartisan and comprehensive reform this year. House Republican leaders have so far failed to bring forward legislation for debate. Democrats are ready to move, because we know the time to reform our immigration system is now.”

Larsen is an original cosponsor of the legislation introduced today which is based on the bill the Senate passed earlier this year. More information on the bill is available here. Larsen is a vice-chair of the New Democrat Coalition which introduced the bill with Democratic leadership.