Press Releases

Larsen: Time for Congress to Reauthorize Ex-Im Bank

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, continued his leadership on the Export-Import Bank today by announcing he will be an original cosponsor and leading advocate for a bill to reauthorize the bank, which is a critical tool to finance U.S. companies’ exports.

Larsen introduced and successfully advocated for passage of a bill to reauthorize and expand the Export-Import Bank in 2012.

In Washington’s second Congressional district, the Export-Import Bank has supported more than $55 billion in exports since 2007. These exports have come from 14 companies, including 9 small businesses like Vista Clara Inc.

“The Export-Import Bank is without question an essential tool to keep America open for business. In my district, the bank supports thousands of jobs at companies of all sizes by helping these businesses sell their products overseas. From large manufacturers to small- and medium-sized businesses seeking to expand their presence abroad, the bank creates jobs and opportunity in the Pacific Northwest and across the country. And the bank successfully finances billions of dollars of exports without costing taxpayers a dime.

“I led the push to reauthorize and expand the bank in 2012 and will again fight to make sure U.S. businesses have the financing they need to sell their goods around the world. Letting the Export-Import Bank expire would be irresponsible and would damage our country’s fragile economic recovery. It is time for Congress to step up and make sure our companies of all sizes have the financing they need to sell their products overseas,” Larsen said.

Since 2007, the Export-Import Bank has financed more than $230 billion in U.S. exports. In 2012 and 2013, the bank returned $1.1 billion to the U.S. Treasury.
